项目亮点:发现工程中的许多利基和机会 - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app


Picture of 项目亮点:发现工程中的许多利基和机会

Forget everything you thought you knew about engineering; this field is hotter than ever 和 applicable to an increasingly vast array of specialties. 你的热情是否在于医疗保健, 技术或设计, 工程学学士学位可能是你通往一份意义深远的职业的入场券.


工程领域充满了潜力. Engineers are in high dem和 across a range of fields 和 can find work in just about any setting or environment imaginable. 那些拥有工程学位的人拥有最终的可转移技能.

工作机会往往是激励有抱负的工程师的首要动力. 来自美国的专家 劳工统计局(BLS)预计到2026年将增加超过14万个工程工作岗位. 这些职位往往能提供令人印象深刻的工资, 美国劳工统计局报告称,工程师的平均年收入为91美元,010 in 2016. Wages can vary based on the employee's industry 和 niche; many engineers earn well over six figures.

当然,工程学不仅仅是工作前景和收入. This field can be uniquely rewarding for analytical thinkers who thrive when pursuing detail-oriented projects. 逻辑是关键,但创造力同样重要. 创新是游戏的核心, 专业人士不断思考新方法,使产品或服务更安全, 效率更高,质量更优.

Many engineers take satisfaction in knowing that their daily efforts benefit millions of people. 工程师在取得突破性的医学发现方面发挥着核心作用, 开发更安全的产品, 和 thinking up eco-friendly innovations that can make our world a safer 和 more beautiful place. They're proud to make a difference in their community 和 on a national, even international scale.


Engineering is a vast field with many specialties — each of which requires its own unique skill set. Therein lies much of the appeal of this profession; it can accommodate people with a variety of natural gifts 和 interests.

Choosing an engineering niche can be underst和ably difficult for students who may not yet underst和 the field or how their personal talents might help them succeed in a specific area. 然而,首先,它有助于了解哪些浓度是可用的,以及它们需要什么. 新濠天地app新濠天地app的热门选择包括:


生物医学工程 利用生物学, 化学和, 当然, 改善广泛人群健康结果的工程原理. 那些具有生物医学工程专业知识的人通常在医疗保健领域工作, 医学研究或药品.


化学工程 是一个广泛的领域,可以涉及到塑料的创造和制造, 药物, 纤维, 油漆和各种其他化学品或材料. It's an ideal concentration for students who love 化学和 hope to apply this passion in a practical setting.


具有设计天赋的学生通常会进入土木工程专业, 其中包括大规模基础设施的规划和执行. 土木工程 毕业生可从事城市规划、建筑管理方面的工作 运输.


Technologically-gifted students often find themselves gravitating towards computer engineering, 将电子工程原理与计算机科学相结合. 电脑工程师 draw on advanced 技能 in both fields to develop 和 implement more efficient computer-based systems.


利用电学的物理和数学原理, 电气工程师 为小型和大型项目设计和实施电气系统. The 技能 you gain in electrical engineering could prepare you to enter a variety of industries, 比如交通, 工业电子甚至机器人.


工程学的一个日益重要的分支, 环境工程 strives to protect both people 和 the world in which we live from the adverse impacts of environmental degradation. 环境工程师努力减少污染, 管理浪费, 保护弱势群体免受辐射,应对气候变化的威胁.


另一个非常适合设计爱好者的工程分支, 机械工程 涉及到创建、实现 maintenance of mechanical systems such as HVAC, vehicles, farm equipment 和 even weaponry.


工程概念几乎可以应用于任何可以想象的领域. 如果你对你的未来有一个具体的愿景,你可能最适合新濠天地app的疯牛病 跨学科的工程. You'll work closely with your advisor to develop a course blueprint that connects your engineering endeavors to a niche field.

选择工程专业时, 仔细看看你的独特兴趣是很重要的, 个性 技能. 记住,不是每个学生都同样适合每个工程领域. 你还需要考虑你的长期抱负. While you'll emerge from any concentration with transferable 技能 that can be applied across a range of industries, 有些课程可能会让你在某些领域拥有更大的优势.


新濠天地app大学's engineering program is accredited by ABET (the Accreditation Board for Engineering 和 Technology) — a well-known authority in the applied 和 natural sciences. 认证过程是自愿和严格的. 资格, colleges must complete reports to demonstrate that they've successfully met strict accreditation criteria. 此外, ABET's Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) completes on-campus evaluations. 这些活动包括参观设施和对学生和教职员工的采访.

基于ABET的调查结果, Geneva's engineering students can take comfort in knowing that they are receiving a quality education from an institution recognized for its impressive academic opportunities 和 record of 100 percent job placement.

如果你对从事有回报的工程事业感兴趣, 这一切都始于你的理学学士学位. Your hard work now will pave the way for a fulfilling career path that allows you to satisfy your natural curiosity as you make a tangible difference in your community.

If you’d like to learn more about professions that enable you to serve wholeheartedly 和 faithfully in your life’s work or want to learn more about a biblically based, 新濠天地app以基督为中心的教育,新濠天地app很想和你聊聊. 有关如何使用的更多信息 新濠天地app大学 can help you pursue your education goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email web@ie688.net.

Opinions expressed in the 新濠天地app的博客 are those of its contributors 和 do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.
